Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Actors prove where there's a 'Will,' there's a way - Salem News

BEVERLY â€" Will Rogers "never met a man he didn't like."

And chances are, you'll feel the same way about his musical.

In "The Will Rogers Follies: A Life in Revue," more than 100 Beverly High students tell the story of the legendary "Oklahoma's favorite son" who â€" through everything from a daily newspaper column and radio talk show to stage performances, appearances in motion pictures and a presidential run in 1928 â€" became one of the most popular, highest-paid stars of his time.

The songs are catchy, and it will keep you laughing.

"But if we do it right, it should make you cry at the end," said senior Cassie Pavlowich, who plays Betty Blake, Rogers' wife.

In the meantime, there's swing dancing and tap dancing, cowboy tricks, and live animals.

"There's a dog act where there's real dogs, and a bunch of actors dressed up as dogs," said senior Abby Kelly, who plays the favorite showgirl in Florenz Ziegfeld's "Follies," while Rogers does routines between acts.

"There's a lot of direct interaction with the audience," junior Nate Howard said about his lead role as Rogers. "It's like the audience is part of the show."

With 74 actors and actresses and more than 30 students between the chorus, the pit band and behind the scenes, it's also one of the largest casts yet, musical director Carolyn Pilanen said.

"I don't like to turn anybody away," she said.

Rogers, who was known for his common sense and simple truths, also speaks a message that rings true today. That's one of the reasons she chose it.

"We've done this show one other time. I think it was about 12 years ago," Pilanen said. "We pulled out the video, and I remembered what a great show it was. It's about caring about each other and helping someone out with a dollar or a dime. It's a really good message right now, with the economy the way it is."

Staff writer Cate Lecuyer can be reached at clecuyer@salemnews.com.

If you go

What: Beverly High School musical "The Will Rogers Follies: A Life in Revue"

Where: Memorial Building auditorium, 502 Cabot St.

When: Today, tomorrow and Saturday at 7 p.m.; Sunday at 2 p.m.

Cost: $9 for adults, $7 for students and senior citizens. Tickets available at the door.

Extra: Don't forget to check out the art sale featuring work by Mary Smalley, Beverly's first art teacher, who died last year.

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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